Turning a casual website visitor into an actual lead starts when they click on one of our site's pages or blog posts with a call-to-action. This could be anything from links, images, and text, "Get started now!".
In most cases though it will depend upon what type of information you're looking for, so make sure not only do these buttons have clear instructions but also provide brief details about how your audience can take action right away.
Once the visitor has clicked a call-to-action, they're taken to a landing page that has been designed to capture their information. This is usually done through an online form or survey that asks for things such as name, email address, phone number, and other contact details.
You might be surprised at where your lead generation pages fall within the spectrum. Some of them could generate leads without you even knowing. To start, conduct an audit on which sources provide visitors most often, email marketing campaigns or social media posts.
You'll want to compare this information with other areas like blog content that is generating traffic as well but only if those blogs contain links back specifically toward one product page rather than simply being informational.
Once you've identified the sources of your leads, it's time to start optimizing. Look for areas that could be improved such as broken links, outdated content, or confusing navigation.
All of these can cause visitors to quickly abandon your website and not convert into leads.
Landing pages are an essential part of the marketing funnel. You should be measuring their conversion rates and ensuring that you have high-quality content on your website, as well as relevant calls-to-action for prospective customers who visit from search engines or social media platforms such as Twitter interactions with hashtags related to what they're looking at when someone tags a product in one of our posts.
This will help them understand how easy it would be to get started using whatever service/product is being marketed through those channels.
The moment a visitor lands on your site, you should start learning about their conversion path. This begins with them visiting and ends hopefully with them filling out a form for information or service needs, but sometimes this isn't what they want at all.
If that's the case then there are other ways to optimize it so we can get more leads from our website visitors without turning away those who would be happy customers once converted.
Landing pages are important for generating leads, but so too is what happens after they convert. The thank-you page deserves just as much attention if not more than landing pages because it can help you gather crucial data about your audience and their needs, which in turn helps with targeting future CTAs or even sales. We'll go over some examples below:
A/B Test Calls-To Action
Video Backgrounds
Amplifying CTAs
Blog content is a great way to generate interest in your business and promote an ebook or whitepaper. Your website visitors can learn more about the same topic they just read on your blog, which will allow you to build up authority with Google by ranking higher for these terms.
Use this three-step process to get your blog posts in front of the right people.
Conduct keyword research on a topic relevant to your industry and create groups around these keywords.
Draft reports that dive much deeper into each group.
Promote the posts on social media and other websites to get more eyes on your content.
Live chat is an underutilized lead generator for your business. To make the most out of it, you should audit which pages on your website visitors spend time with and then install a live-chat tool where they need help or information from customer service while answering questions that are relevant to their needs.
This allows casual contact between potential customers and sales personnel without compromising quality responses by having one person handle all chats in real-time like Google Talk (video) does today.
You can also use live chat to gather customer feedback and create a better user experience. Train your customer support agents to ask customers how they feel about certain features or services and make the necessary changes in response.
The more personalized your content, the better. This means dynamic websites with tailored images and buttons for each visitor or product option they see on the screen.
It's not just about being engaging but also helpful! You'll increase conversions by 42% when using this type of interactive approach in marketing campaigns because people love feeling special and appreciated.
A quick google search will tell you that there are plenty of ways to get started implementing these techniques today. From A/B testing to personalization algorithms, there’s something for everyone.
One key element of design that resonates with customers is real-time personalization. This is when customers are presented with relevant options or content based on their behavior and past interactions.
We can't stress enough the importance of A/B testing. It is one way to get a better understanding of what motivates people and which tactics work best for you in your business friend buy found when they experimented with their calls-to-action of 211% more clicks.
A simple switch from "order now" language to simply saying 'place order' increased conversions by 75%. A/B testing is an ongoing process, as you should constantly be checking and tweaking your site to see what works.
In conclusion, A/B testing is a key tool for marketing success. It allows us to track user behavior, understand our customers better, and help us make informed decisions on how we can improve our website or product offering.
You can't just expect your leads to turn into customers. You have the responsibility of nurturing them and delivering valuable content that matches their interests, but it's important not to forget about what made someone interested in the first place.
Lead Nurture starts with relevant follow-up emails featuring great info if you know anything at all about this person, and then tailor future sends accordingly as needed. Keeping in mind their interests, preferences, and behavior from past conversations.
Lead nurturing is also a great way to build relationships with potential customers before they make a purchase.
Lead nurturing is also a great way to stay top-of-mind with leads who may not be ready to buy yet.
Finally, lead nurturing is a great way to measure the success of your campaigns and marketing efforts.